Ever wondered where paprika comes from? First of all, do you know what paprika is? Paprika is the powdery red spice you get from grinding up bell peppers and/or chili peppers. It ranges from semi spicy to very hot, while adding beautiful color and flavor to your meal. It is believed that the bell pepper originated in Mexico, but is grown in many parts of the world.
According to Antonio Rakigjija, CEO of Agropex Trading, some of the best paprika on earth comes from the Northern deserts of Peru. Agropex Trading is a global import and export business focusing on the wholesale of dried goods, specifically dried chili peppers. They are located in San Diego, California and work with growers and distributors all over the world. Antonio has been importing and exporting dried chili peppers and paprika for over 25 years. He currently works with growers from Peru, and gave us a rundown of his process. “Chili or bell peppers are grown in very specific climates. Normally tropical. This is why we choose to work with growers in the Northern parts of Peru, because they are very close to the equator. The peppers need good quality soil, and a normal amount of water. Chili’s thrive under daytime temperatures of 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and night time temperatures above 55 degrees Fahrenheit, taking up to 60 days to ripen. Some types of peppers can even take up to 120 days to harvest. We only work with dried goods, so once we harvest, we lay out our peppers to dry in the sun for about two weeks, rotating every few days. Once the peppers are dried out to the proper condition, we select the best quality according to size and impurities, then package and truck them down to the nearest port, sending them off to different ports through out the world. From there, the products are sent to grocery stores and restaurants throughout the globe, eventually landing onto your plate.”
Paprika has been growing in popularity lately thanks to all of the new cooking shows showcasing this flavorful spice. If you would like more information on paprika and chili peppers, visit their website www.AgropexTrading.com and click the contact tab. Their News tab also has a lot of interesting articles on other types of spices and dried goods. Thanks for reading, cheers!